Griffin Gaeth

Full Stack Developer

Pet Purfect

This project was an outcome of a four-person group project from my KU coding class. I worked on a majority of the backend development which heavily relied on javascript. The app was created with the idea to easily convey information between a pet owner and caregiver of that pet. Technologies used: React.js, HTML, CSS, MySQL database, node.js, express server, sequelze, Firebase image upload, Passport.JS with bCrypt for user authentication and password hashing.

Code Demo


An efficient way to locate hiking trails and other outdoor activities with detailed information pertaining to each destination. Users have the ability to sign up, and submit search queries based on their current or manually entered location. Created using current web technologies such as: JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, HTML GeoLocation API, Google Firebase, CoverVid.js and several third party APIs.

Code Demo

Liri Bot

A basic recreation of the popular iPhone assistant Siri. This app uses the command line to lookup information about songs or movies and has the ability to make tweets. It was built using node.js and javascript and the data is obtained from third party API's including OMDB and Spotify.

Code Demo

States Memory Game

A memory game built with React. Click on the characters displayed one at a time without repeating while the game randomly renders characters back on the page. Technologies used: HTML, CSS, React.js, and Node.

Code Demo

Eat Da Burger

This application demonstrates a complete full stack application. The frontend is constructed using HTML/CSS, while the backend implemented with Node.js and powered by Express. Handlebars, a popular HTML templating framework is also used in this web project. Follows the MVC file structure.

Code Demo

Throughout my life I've always had a love for computers, and an interest in how they work. At the age of 13, I created my first game using Java. While studying for financial degeree in college, I came the the realization that I was no longer doing what I truly love. That's when I decided to try my hand at one my longest lasting passions, computer and web development. I'm eager to see where this path takes me and continue to be happy doing what I love. Dedicated to hard work ethic and the ability to stay organized while working on projects and tasks at hand, I will continue to learn and develop new habits that shape me into a better full stack web developer. When I'm not coding I like to cook, play golf and spend time with family and friends.